Solta Clear and Brilliant Laser - Sale

Solta Clear and Brilliant Laser - Sale
Solta Clear and Brilliant Laser - Sale Solta Clear and Brilliant Laser - Sale
Brand: Solta Medical
Product Code: Solta Clear and Brilliant Laser
Availability: In Stock
Price: $3,100.00
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Solta Clear and Brilliant Laser

Begins with a consultation with your licensed health care professional to see if Clear + Brilliant is right for you.
Requires about 30 minutes for a complete session.
May involve application of topical numbing cream to your face prior to treatment in order to provide additional comfort.
Is delivered by your skin care professional, who will gently guide the Clear + Brilliant handpiece across the target area and actively treat your skin for approximately 15-20 minutes.

Clear + Brilliant® laser system (1440nm and 1927nm handpieces) is indicated for dermatological procedures requiring the coagulation of soft tissue and general skin resurfacing.

We are big on customer trust and we have a vision to develop our products overseas. Please contact us for more information about this product. Thank you

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